So, what is Teens' Top Ten? It's a popularity contest for Young Adult novels (once in a while, adult fiction wins as well). The winners are compiled onto a yearly "best of" list. Now, this is very different from your typical high school popularity contests, or "best hair" contests. It's about the favorite books of America's teenagers. The point is to find what teens like to read, and show them how to find more of it. It's to show teens that reading is fun. Here's how it works:
In APRIL (Is it really April already? Goodness). YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) releases a list of 25 books most popular books of the year, as nominated by teen readers. Then the real reading happens. Teens across the country look at this list. Many times, they will have read at least one book on the list; the other listed books interest them simply by proximate association. Through word of mouth, these books spread across the teen (and, *ahem* adult) populations. In August and September, teens between the ages of 12 &18 vote on their two favorites. YALSA announces the Top Ten winners during Teen Read Week, which is Oct. 14-20th this year. To check out the list of present nominees, past winners, and other information, click here. Short synopses of each nominee are provided as well. I recommend reading these --they're very helpful! YALSA is a very liberal organization. Some of the books reflect interesting opinions, at times. Living and learning in this world necessitate extra care! I'll post about these books as I read them, if you care for my opinion.That's my naggy warning for the week!
As many of you probably know, I volunteer at the library. I work on teen programs with Amy Patton, one of those lovely librarians. For the last two years, our library has hosted announcement parties for the TTT winners. It's one of my favorite events! Cookies, soda and best books. Can a party get any better than that? Here's last year's announcement video for TTT! (P.S. The sound does not immediately turn on. Click the megaphone symbol).
Usually, not all of them are my taste, but I always love others. And you know what rocks this year? The Scorpio Races, the book I raved about on last week's post, is one of the nominated titles! I SO wish I could vote! But any teens reading this right now can get in on the action. See if your favorite reads are favorites across America. Some past TTT winners that I loved: Just Listen by Sarah Dessen, Fire by Kirsten Cashore, Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (c'mon, you knew The Hunger Games would make the cut! :)
Next Week I'll be posting about a free library event on Interior Design! Be excited. It's going to be rad. I know it's been awhile since I've posted a writing tip. There's been so much going on, I haven't had space! Soon though. Promise.
Have a great week, Scribblers and Book Bandits!