YALSA describes the Edwards award as honoring "a significant and lasting contribution to writing for teens." This year's winner deserves an entire post to herself because her books are literally the reasons I began devouring books at age 10. Who is this wonderful author?
Tamora Pierce!
For her Song of the Lioness and Protector of the Small quartets! The following information is derived from the YALSA website:
Also set in Tortall,
two decades later, is the Protector of the Small quartet, First Test; Page; Squire; and Lady Knight. Keladry of Mindelan goes through struggles, from her
First Test, then becoming a Page, a Squire and eventually a Lady Knight. While
set in a fantasy world, Pierce’s heroines face realistic challenges that
resonate with teen readers.

This information is from the Young Adult
Library Services Association (YALSA) website. Check it out for booklists,
awards and more at http://www.ala.org/yalsa/
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