
Friday, May 18, 2012

On May 19th, Come Party like a Playwright! Or Poet! Or Author!

     This post was supposed to be about using Artistic License properly, but I found a problem with the material. If I can get it worked out (working on it right now!), I will post it later in the week. For now, here's some literary news!
     1) Tomorrow (May 19th, 2012), at Mendocino College in Ukiah, two exciting things are happening for writers or other literary buffs. The first is a free writer's conference called "LitFest." It runs from 10AM-4PM. Published authors and poets will give workshops on several interesting subjects. I am PSYCHED! The college is on 1000 Hensley Creek Road. If you would like more information, click here!
     2) Both tonight and tomorrow, the Mendocino College Theatre Arts Department will be showing the Festival of New Plays! Nine new 10 min. plays written by local playwrights were chosen from a large admission pool of entries. (I know the poster says 10 plays, but one play was dropped). Guess whose play got picked for the (3rd? or 4th) year in a row? Teresa Loesch! Come support Teresa and her play-writing group. Cost is $5. The show starts at 8PM. Click here for more info. (Disclaimer: Some of the material may be inappropriate for children.)
     3) The Library Book Sale is tomorrow! Woooooohoooooo! Here's  the deal: A couple weeks ago, I post that it ran from 10AM-4PM. I was WRONG. It's from 12PM-4PM. Sorry about that, folks! Hope to see you there!

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